Refund and Returns Policy

You are welcome to return the product for a store credit refund within a 4 day period provided that the product, is unused and in its original state sent to you. As products are subject to use, the brand cannot be held liable for any damages rendered to the product either due to accident or misuse at the customer’s end. Personalised items cannot be returned. For returns kindly courier the product to our office in Karachi and we will reimburse you (in store credit) accordingly for the cost of the product.

In case of a damaged product, kindly WhatsApp us 0323-9998398

There can be slight differences in colour and dimension due to natural constraints of rendered images. These do not merit for refund. Moreover, production team can make executive decisions with regards to the order, due to any constraints that the layperson is not aware of. This also does not qualify for refund.

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